STS 2454: Science, Technology, and Environment
This course examines the nature and causes of global environmental challenges, focusing on the role of science and technology in the causation of environmental problems and provision of solutions. Students will investigate uneven impacts among different groups and nations, and explore multicultural dimensions and ethical debates in the relationship between humanity and the natural world, and consider visions of alternative futures.
Why take it?
Science and technology are deeply entwined with environmental challenges, and are likely to become increasingly so. Understanding and being able to evaluate the efficacy of technological solutions are important skills that will benefit students in both their personal and professional lives. Exploring environmental challenges in a global context will hone students’ ethical reasoning and decision-making skills, and empower them to make a difference in their own communities.
STS 2454 fulfills an elective in the following Pathways minors:
There are no prerequisites for this course.
This course fulfills Pathways requirements in Critical Thinking in the Humanities, Ethical Reasoning, and Intercultural and Global Awareness.