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SBIO 2504: Circular Economy Analytics for Sustainable Systems

This course introduces students to the concepts, principles, and framework necessary to understand systems level interactions in linear (cradle-to-grave) and circular (cradle-to-cradle) processes, with a special emphasis on quantifying and evaluating life-cycle circularity of common products and processes used to meet society’s demand. Students will evaluate case study results in the planning of more circular business models in a complex global economy, and will explore the risks and ethical issues associated with decision making and policy based on results from computational models.

Why take it?

The systems-thinking framework is not only useful for practicing quantitative skills that enhance students’ problem-solving ability, it also provides useful data mapping and visualization tools for communication among people with very different knowledge domains and levels of skills. Students will also have opportunities to anticipate and study ethical issues and rely on a quantitative objective framework to verify data and formulate factual evidence, instead of relying on anecdotal biases or assumptions to solve problems. Team-based case studies will enhance students’ skills in communicating results and working collaboratively.


Prerequisites: MATH 1025 or MATH 1225 or MATH 1524 or MATH 1535

This course fulfills Pathways requirements in Advanced Quantitative and Computational Thinking and Ethical Reasoning.