CMDA 2014: Data Matter
This course develops fundamental analytical and programming skills to complete the “analytic pipeline,” including specifying research questions, selecting/collecting data ethically and responsibly, processing and summarizing datasets, and stating findings, while considering all assumptions made. Some programming skills and prior use of data are recommended, but neither are required.
Why take it?
CMDA 2014 will teach modern, complex methods to students who are relatively new to data analytics. It will teach one or two technical approaches for both collecting and summarizing data for at least three different data types – quantitative data, text data, and image data – and will address analytic needs in the hard sciences, social sciences, and engineering sciences. Students will be able to use the skills gained from this class to analyze data in their respective majors.
CMDA 2014 fulfills a requirement in the Data and Decisions Pathways minor.
Prerequisites: MATH 1014.
This course fulfills Pathways requirements in Advanced Quantitative and Computational Thinking and Ethical Reasoning.